Best ever disco !!!!!

Hi today we are talking about our school disco what happpend in the disco well today i will talk about that so lets get i to it So in our disco it was on may 23 and on 5:00 or 4:00 pm i went at 4:01 and when i got their no one was their so i waited and waited then i saw samuel he was in a raptor jacket and some cool red shoes but he had to go for his some kind of sport meeting well any ways  i did my writing for the disco so here it is hope you like it!!!!.

Best Dimc Post Ever

Hi guys, today my friend Zohair and me Aayan did Dimc it was fun we played around and did the work AT THE SAME TIME!!!.

what I learnt? I learnt how to half number like 10,000 and 100,000

challenges? my challenges were diveding number

I would like to in prove on  x , / ,